The Michael J. Fox Foundation does excellent work with education and outreach, and some aspects of their work is directly applicable to Lewy Body Dementia.

Many people with Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) experience tremors, stiffness and rigidity. These symptoms are typically considered to be Parkinsonism elements, which means they are the same as those in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). This would appear to be logical, since the root cause of both LBD and PD is believed to be caused by Lewy Bodies, misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins, in the brain.

Carbidopa-Levodopa is the most commonly prescribed drug in Parkinson’s, also used to lessen Parkinsonism symptoms for many people with LBD. Approved over 50 years ago, it is still considered the most effective drug for motor symptoms in PD, although there are alternatives now available. It is a key component in Sinemet, Rytary, and the Duopa pump.

This is a two-part drug: the Levodopa part gets converted into Dopamine in the brain, which controls normal movement and which is deficient in PD (and for many with LBD), while the Carbidopa helps get the active part of the drug into the brain, and is intended to lessen other side effects including nausea and blood pressure issues.

The short video covers several important topics, including those below.

  • Levodopa works best to control all tremor, slowness and stiffness. But doesn’t help postural changes (like the Lewy Lean), balance, or freezing of motion and gait issues, nor does it help mood or memory issues.
  • It does not lose its effectiveness, but the condition gets worse progressively,
  • “Off-time” can also diminish the perceived effectiveness of the drug, which can happen as its effects wear off and the next does is close to being required. Off-times also occur spontaneously, and unpredictably, but this does not mean the drug has lost its effectiveness.

Always consult with your medical team to see what’s right for you. This is in no way an endorsement of any medication, and the information provided is intended only to be for general knowledge.


Levodopa and Sinemet: Drug Myths and Facts relating to Lewy Body Dementia

7 thoughts on “Levodopa and Sinemet: Drug Myths and Facts relating to Lewy Body Dementia

  • December 28, 2019 at 8:18 am

    Love this informative site! Thank you so much! I am a caregiver to my husband who has LBD. It’s a bumpy ride I think nobody wants on! Again thank you.

    • December 28, 2019 at 8:19 am

      Love this informative site! Thank you so much! I am a caregiver to my husband who has LBD. It’s a bumpy ride I think nobody wants on! Again thank you.

    • January 22, 2020 at 5:17 pm

      Very happy to be able to help, Ann! you’re doing a good thing for your husband. A very good thing. May your journey be the very best it can be.
      Strength to you! Timothy Hudson

  • January 26, 2023 at 5:02 pm

    Love this site! I’m the Director of Caregiver Education and Training for our non-medical home health company. When I was a caregiver, most of my regular clients over a six year period had Parkinson’s Disease (PD). I love the information on your site to help me help other caregivers, along with my own experiences with clients living with PD and/or LBD. Thanks again!

    • February 7, 2023 at 9:06 pm

      Thanks for the kind words, Jayme. Very happy you’ve found benefit from the information here.
      Best wishes from (a currently frozen) Toronto.
      Timothy Hudson

  • May 29, 2024 at 10:48 am

    My dad has been on carbidopa-levodopa for 5 yrs. He’s 84 with pParkinson’s plus Lewy body dementia. He’s on hospice at home. I’ve had to wean him down from 4 to 2 pills per day — 30 mins after taking it, he goes into severe delusions and tries to get out of the door, thinks I’m plotting, says I’m putting nails in the bed, injecting him, etc. It’s a mess. No antipsychotic medication has worked. Psychosis is bad too.

    • June 26, 2024 at 5:57 pm

      That’s a very tough situation for you, Kim. Very sorry for what’s happening. Even though things are the furthest from what you’d hope for, you are still making the very best of this bad situation. I hope the psychoses lessen quickly, and that you find something that can diminish his delusions, and would definitely ask your specialist whether Sinemet/Levodopa could be discontinued, since it seems to be causing such difficulties. Weighing the relative costs and benefits is a constant adaptation, as circumstances change. He’s lucky to have you as his advocate!
      Strength and courage to you.
      Timothy Hudson


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